OSIPS: Foundation (FY1/FY2)
Saturday 22nd June 2024
6 CPD accredited by The RCS
On-site practical workshops delivered by faculty of Consultant's, post-CCT fellows & Registrars 1:2 trainer to trainee ratio, ISCP/Horus/portfolio assessments to be completed during event by faculty.
Realtime Feedback
Course certificate
Refreshments & Lunch provided
A new set of MedSync's microinstruments for you to keep
Workshops All ex-vivo tissue, no skin pads
Local Flaps
Tendon Repairs
Microscope assisted Nerve coaptation & vessel anastomosis
Wound closure masterclass
Wound management wokshop sponsored by Smith & Nephew
Fracture fixation sponsored by Medartis
In the event of a course cancellation by MedSync a full refund will be provided with no charges or fees.
Candidate cancellation: Full refund available upto 2 weeks prior to event, after which, a full refund only available if a replacement candidate available from reserve list.
International refunds: As above in addition to bank fee associated with international bank transfers